The routing number for Wheelhouse is 322281549. Your Wheelhouse Checking account number is located on your checks or in the Accounts Details tab inside digital banking.
Checking and Savings Support
Checking Accounts
To establish a direct deposit, you will need the routing number for Wheelhouse and your account number. The routing number for Wheelhouse is 322281549 and your account number is located on your checks or in the Account Details tab inside digital banking.
You can do so by contacting us by phone, in person at a branch location or online using the digital banking platform.
Easily order checks through Deluxe Personal Check Reorder. You can order checks online, by phone at 619-297-4835, or by using our mobile banking app.
Preventing fraud is our priority. Please contact us immediately or stop by the nearest branch location.
High Interest Savings Accounts
We have multiple account options to help you earn dividends. Please check the deposit rates page for available options.
Savings Accounts
Your Wheelhouse Membership Number is located on your Membership Card or you can call us at 619-297-4835. If you are enrolled in Digital Banking, the Member Number can be located in the Account Details panel after selecting an account from the Dashboard icon. Click on the “Eye” icon under the Account Name to reveal your Membership Number. Example is 61111110 (Member Number) – 0001 (Account Suffix).
You can designate one savings and one checking account to be linked to a debit card. Those with multiple savings and checking accounts can obtain addition cards to be linked to those accounts.
There are no fees to have a savings account. However, we require that you maintain the $10 membership share balance in the account.
Yes. There are available savings options with Wheelhouse. Please check the deposit rates page for options.
A primary savings a qualification for establishing a membership with Wheelhouse.