By continuing beyond this page you are agreeing to the terms and conditions in the Digital Banking Electronic Funds Transfer Disclosure and Agreement below. Please read this disclosure carefully and print it for your records when you apply for your Online Banking service and again when applying for BillPay, Mobile Banking, Mobile Deposit, and/or Zelle services (collectively, Digital Banking services), if done at a later date. This Agreement can be viewed at any time by clicking the “Disclosure” link at the bottom of any Online Banking page. A copy of this Agreement can be printed by using your browser’s print command and a printer. If you are unable to print this document, a copy can be provided to you by the Credit Union upon request.
This Digital Banking Electronic Funds Transfer Disclosure and Agreement, as amended from time to time (Agreement), sets forth the terms and conditions governing the use of Wheelhouse Credit Union’s Digital Banking services, including:
- Online Banking;
- BillPay;
- Mobile Banking;
- Mobile Deposit; and
- Zelle
Disclosure information that applies to each of the Digital Banking services offered by Wheelhouse Credit Union is given below. Please read this Agreement completely and retain it with your personal records. By using, or allowing another person to use, the Digital Banking services offered by Wheelhouse Credit Union, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. In this Agreement, the terms “you” and “your(s)” refer to the member, and the terms “we”, “us”, “our(s)” and “Credit Union” refer to Wheelhouse Credit Union. All agreements and disclosures shall be construed in accordance with the provisions of the California Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). This Agreement is incorporated by this reference and becomes a part of Wheelhouse Credit Union’s Digital Banking Electronic Funds Transfer Disclosure and Agreement. All other terms and conditions of your Digital Banking Electronic Funds Transfer Disclosure and Agreement, as amended, remain in force.
Electronic Disclosure of Digital Banking Electronic Funds Transfer Disclosure and Agreement
By accessing any of the Digital Banking services, you acknowledge electronic receipt of the Credit Union’s Digital Banking Electronic Funds Transfer Disclosure and Agreement. You agree that you have read this Agreement in its entirety and will abide by its terms and conditions. You understand that the Credit Union will not provide you with a paper (non-electronic) copy of this Agreement unless you specifically request it.
Who is Bound by this Agreement
Each person (signer) who completes the Online Banking, BillPay, Mobile Banking, Mobile Deposit, and Zelle Application and/or enters their password, or signs an Online Banking, BillPay, Mobile Banking, Mobile Deposit, and Zelle Application, agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If more than one person signs the Application, enters their password, or completes the online Application, all signers are jointly and severally liable. The Credit Union can waive or delay enforcement of its rights as to one signer without affecting its ability to enforce its rights as to the other signers. The Agreement is also binding upon your heirs, personal representatives, and successors. By accessing the system, or authorizing anyone else to access the system, and/or by signing the application, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Agreement.
Right to Receive Documentation of Transactions
You will receive a monthly account statement reflecting all your transactions unless there is no activity in a particular month. In any case you will receive a statement at least quarterly. If you have arranged to have direct deposits made to your account at least once every sixty (60) days from the same person or company, you can call us at 619-297-4835 to find out whether or not the deposit has been made. If the only possible transfers to or from your account are direct deposits or pre-authorized deposits, you will get at least a quarterly statement from us.
Your Liability for Lost, Stolen or Unauthorized Transactions Involving Your PIN or Password
Tell us AT ONCE if you believe your Personal Identification Number (PIN) or password has been lost or stolen, or if you believe that an electronic transfer has been made without your permission using information from your check. You could lose all the money in your account (plus your maximum overdraft line of credit if you have one with us). If you tell us within two (2) business days, you can lose no more than $50 if someone used your PIN or password without your permission. If you DO NOT tell us within two (2) business days after you learn of the loss or theft of your PIN or password, and we can prove that we could have stopped someone from using your PIN or password without your permission if you had told us, you could lose as much as $500. Also, if your statement shows transfers that you did not make, tell us at once. If you do not tell us within sixty (60) days after the statement was mailed to you, you may not get back any money you lost after the sixty (60) days if we can prove that we could have stopped someone from taking the money if you had told us in time. If a good reason (such as a long trip or a hospital stay) kept you from telling us, we will extend the time periods. If you have authorized someone else to use the PIN or password, you are responsible for all transactions that person or persons initiates at any time, even if the amount or transactions exceed what you may have authorized.
How to Notify the Credit Union in the Event of an Unauthorized Transaction
If you believe your password has been lost or stolen or someone has transferred or may transfer money from your account without your permission, call us at 619-297-4835, or write to us at Member Services, P.O. Box 719099, San Diego, CA 92171-9099. You should also call the number or write to the address listed above if you believe a transfer has been made using information from your check without your permission.
Business Days
For purposes of these disclosures, our business days are Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.
The Credit Union will issue you a temporary password. To use the Digital Banking services, you must change your password. The password should be memorized. Your accounts can only be accessed by the use of an access device with the password. If you forget your password, contact the Credit Union and we will issue you a new one.
Our Liability for Failure to Make Transfers
If we do not complete a transaction to or from your accounts on time or in the correct amount according to our agreement with you, we will be liable for your losses or damages. However, there are some exceptions. We will NOT be liable, for instance, if:
- Through no fault of ours, you do not have enough money in your account to make the transaction;
- The transaction would go over the credit limit on your credit line;
- The network system was not working properly, and you were aware of the malfunction when you started the transaction;
- Circumstances beyond our control (such as fire, flood, power failure, or computer down-time) prevented the transactions despite reasonable precautions that we have taken;
- The money in your account is subject to an uncollected funds hold, legal process or any other encumbrance or agreement restricting a transaction;
- Your password or PIN has been entered incorrectly;
- The payee or Postal Service mishandles or delays a payment sent by our bill payment service provider;
- You have not provided our bill payment service provider with the correct names, phone numbers, or account information for those persons or entities to whom you wish to direct payment; or
- The failure to complete the transaction is done to protect the integrity of the system or to protect the security of your account.
There may be other exceptions not specifically mentioned above.
In order to obtain the electronic services listed, you must open and maintain a savings or checking account. All charges associated with our Digital Banking Electronic Funds Transfer transactions are disclosed in our Fee Schedule.
Disclosure of Account Information to Third Parties
We will disclose information to third parties about your account or the transfers you make:
- when it is necessary to complete the transaction;
- in order to verify the existence and condition of your account for a third party, such as a credit bureau or merchant;
- in order to comply with government agency or court orders or other legal process; or
- if you give us your prior oral or written permission.
Address Change
You are required to keep the Credit Union informed of your current address to insure correct mailing of monthly or quarterly statements. If you have elected to receive statements electronically, it is also your responsibility to keep the Credit Union informed of your current email address.
The Credit Union may change the terms and conditions of this Agreement from time to time by mailing written notice to you at your address as it appears on our records. If any change results in greater cost or liability to you or decreases access to your accounts, you will be given at least twenty-one (21) calendar days prior notice of the change. Prior notice may not be given where an immediate change in terms or conditions is necessary to maintain the integrity of the system and/or the security of our Digital Banking services or designated accounts.
You may terminate this Agreement with us as to any or all Digital Banking services at any time by visiting a branch or calling us at 619-297-4835. The Credit Union reserves the right to terminate this Agreement and/or your use of our Digital Banking services with or without cause. We may do so immediately if:
- you or any authorized user of your account breaches this or any other agreement with the Credit Union;
- we have reason to believe that there has been or might be an unauthorized use of your account; or
- you or any authorized user of your account requests that we do so.
Attorneys’ Fees
You agree to pay the Credit Union all our costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees, including all collection costs, litigation costs, skip-tracing fees, and outside services fees incurred while we are enforcing our rights under this Agreement.
Additional Benefits/Enhancements
The Credit Union may from time to time offer additional services to you in connection with your accounts. Some services may be at no additional cost to you and others may involve a specified fee. You understand that the Credit Union is not obligated to offer such services and may withdraw or change them at any time.
Reservation of Rights
Failure or delay by the Credit Union to enforce any provision of this Agreement or to exercise any right or remedy available under this Agreement, or at law, shall not be deemed a waiver and the Credit Union expressly reserves the right to enforce such provision, or to exercise such right or remedy, at a later date.
Governing Law; Attorneys’ Fees
All agreements and disclosures shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California and the provisions of the California Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). You agree to pay the Credit Union all our costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees, including all collection costs, litigation costs, skip-tracing fees, and outside services fees incurred while we are enforcing our rights under this Agreement.
Other Agreements
Except as stated otherwise in the Agreement, this Agreement does not alter or amend any of the terms or conditions of any other agreement you may have with the Credit Union.
Use of THIRD-PARTY Service Provider; Software
You understand and agree that select Digital Banking services may be provided by the Credit Union through an agreement with a third-party service provider and/or utilizing third party software or applications. You are given access to such third-party software or applications pursuant to a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license solely for the purposes set forth in this Agreement. Any third-party software or applications shall at all times remain the exclusive property of such third party, subject to all applicable copyrights, trademarks and patent rights. Any copying, distribution, reverse engineering, or other use not expressly contemplated by this Agreement is prohibited. You shall not modify or tamper with the software or applications, or otherwise engage in conduct that would violate such third party’s rights. By accessing the Digital Banking services, you agree to indemnify, defend and hold Credit Union harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, judgments, costs, damages, expenses and liabilities inclusive of reasonable attorneys’ fees and court costs arising out of or in connection with your violation of this provision.
By utilizing the Digital Banking services, you authorize the Credit Union and any third-party service provider to use, modify, display, distribute and create new material using any information, data, passwords, materials or other content (collectively, Content) you provide in order to provide the service to you and for the purposes set forth in this Agreement. You further authorize the Credit Union and any third-party service provider to act as your agent and take all actions reasonably necessary to carry out the instructions initiated by you, including accessing third party internet sites, servers or documents, retrieving information, and using your information.
If any part of this Agreement should be held to be unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.
In Case of Errors or Questions About your Electronic Transfers
Telephone us at 619-297-4835 or write us at Member Services, P. O. Box 719099, San Diego, CA 92171-9099 as soon as you can, if you think your statement or receipt is wrong or if you need more information about a transfer listed on the statement or receipt. You should also call the number or write to the address listed above if you believe a transfer has been made using information from your check without your permission. We must hear from you no later than sixty (60) days after we sent the FIRST statement on which the problem or error appeared. If we do not hear from you within sixty (60) days after we sent the first statement, you may be liable for any unauthorized transfers occurring after the end of the sixty (60) day period and before notice to us. If you prove that your delay in notifying us was due to extenuating circumstances beyond your reasonable control, such as an extended trip or hospital stay, we will extend the sixty (60) day period by a reasonable period.
- Tell us your name and account number (if any).
- Describe the error or the transfer you are unsure about, and explain as clearly as you can why you believe it is an error or why you need more information.
- Tell us the dollar amount of the suspected error.
If you tell us orally, we may require that you send us your complaint or question in writing within ten (10) business days.
We will determine whether an error occurred within ten (10) business days after we hear from you and will correct any error promptly. If we need more time, however, we may take up to forty-five (45) days to investigate your complaint or question. If we decide to do this, we will credit your account within ten (10) business days for the amount you think is in error, so that you will have the use of the money during the time it takes us to complete our investigation. (If the error you assert is an unauthorized Visa transaction, other than a cash disbursement at an ATM, we will credit your account within five (5) business days unless we determine that the circumstances or your account history warrant a delay, in which case you will receive credit within ten (10) business days.) If we ask you to put your complaint or question in writing and we do not receive it within ten (10) business days, we may not credit your account.
For errors involving new accounts, point-of-sale, or foreign-initiated transactions, we may take up to ninety (90) days to investigate your complaint or question. For new accounts, we may take up to twenty (20) business days to credit your account for the amount you think is in error.
We will tell you the results within three (3) business days after completing our investigation. If we decide that there was no error, we will send you a written explanation within three (3) business days after we finish our investigation. You may ask for copies of the documents that we used in our investigation.
Right to Stop Payment of Preauthorized Transfers and Right to Receive Notice of Varying Amounts
A. Right to stop payment and procedure for doing so.
If you have told us in advance to make regular payments out of your account, you can also stop any of these payments. Here’s how: Call 619-297-4835, or write us at Member Services, P. O. Box 719099, San Diego, CA 92171-9099, in time for us to receive your request three (3) business days or more before the payment is scheduled to be made. If you call, we may also require you to put your request in writing and get it to us within fourteen (14) calendar days after you call.
B. Notice of varying amounts.
If these regular payments vary in amount, the person you are going to pay will tell you ten (10) calendar days before each payment, when it will be made and how much it will be. You may choose instead to get this notice only when the payment would differ by more than a certain amount from the previous payment, or when the amount would fall outside certain limits that you set.
Additional Disclosures Applicable to Online Banking
Online Banking allows convenient access to your account information 24 hours a day. To use Online Banking, you must have an Internet enabled device, a compatible browser, your username and password.
Your Online Banking access may be suspended if there has been no activity for a period of ninety (90) days or more.
Transactions Available
You may use your Online Banking service to perform the following transactions:
- Check account and loan balances;
- View account and loan history;
- Make loan payments;
- Make one time or recurring transfers between your eligible Wheelhouse accounts;
- Make one time or recurring transfers from your Wheelhouse account to the account of another Wheelhouse member;
- Make one time or recurring transfers from your Wheelhouse account to your account at another financial institution (external account);
- View linked external accounts;
- Reorder checks;
- View cleared check images;
- Make bill payments with BillPay; and
- Download transaction information to personal financial management software.
Limitations on Transactions
The following are limitations to the use of the Online Banking Service:
- For external account transfers: (a) the cut-off time for initiating external transfers is 1:00 p.m. Pacific Time; (b) the maximum daily external transfer limit is $7,500; and (c) the maximum aggregate monthly external transfer limit is $20,000.
- No more than six (6) preauthorized, automatic, online or telephonic transfers made to another account at the Credit Union or to a third party or no more than six (6) transfers or withdrawals made by check, draft, check card or similar order payable to a third party may be made from each Money Market Account or Inspired Savings Account in any calendar month. If you exceed, or attempt to exceed, these transfer limits, the excess transfer requests may be refused or reversed, a fee may be imposed on the excess transfer requests, and we may reclassify or close the account. Transfers initiated by telephone must be counted among the six (6) monthly transfers, except that there are no limits on the number of withdrawals paid directly to you when initiated by mail, telephone or messenger. There are no limits on the number of withdrawals if initiated in person.
About Account Transfers
You may use the account transfer service to transfer funds between your Wheelhouse accounts, to the account of another Wheelhouse member, or to your account at another financial institution (external account).
Initiating Account Transfers
To transfer funds from your account to another Wheelhouse member, you will need to provide the recipient’s last name, member number and the account or loan to which you are transferring the funds.
- The information entered must match our records in order for us to locate the account.
- You cannot initiate transfers from another Wheelhouse member’s account into your account.
- Transfers between Wheelhouse accounts can be scheduled for any day.
To transfer funds from your account to an external account, you will need to provide the receiving financial institution account number and routing number.
- Before transferring to an external account, we will first make two (2) small trial deposits and you will be required to verify the amount.
- These trial deposits will be promptly withdrawn from the account.
- Transfers to an external account will be withdrawn from your Wheelhouse account within one (1) business day of the origination date.
- The estimated delivery date of your funds will be shown when you schedule your transfer.
- Transfers scheduled for non-business days will process on the next business day.
You may cancel or modify scheduled payments within the Online Banking service or Mobile Banking service until the transfer is processed. Once a transfer has processed it cannot be stopped.
If we process a transfer in accordance with your instructions that overdraws your account, we may assess a fee. Refer to your “About Your Credit Union Accounts” disclosure and our Fee Schedule.
Member Responsibilities
You are responsible for:
- Providing the correct account information for your transfer; and
- Ensuring sufficient funds are available when initiating a transaction.
Additional Disclosures Applicable to BillPay
BillPay is available to members in good standing with an eligible checking account. Accounts owned by minors are not eligible.
System Requirements
To use BillPay you must have a checking account as well as an Internet enabled device, a compatible browser, and your Online Banking username and password.
Transactions Available
You may use your BillPay Service to perform the following transactions:
- Add/Edit Payees: Payee refers to the entity to which you pay bills. The payee can be a company, organization, or individual. The Add/Edit Payee feature allows you to add payees to, delete payees from or edit payee information on your list of payees.
- Make nonrecurring payments from checking: This feature allows you to schedule one-time payments to payees. This feature enables you to specify the amount of the payment and the processing date.
- Make recurring payments from checking: This feature allows you to schedule recurring payments to payees.
- View History: View History permits you to see payments made over a specified time-period.
Limitations on Transactions
The following are limitations to the use of the BillPay Service:
- Individual payments may not exceed $9,999.99;
- Total payments may not exceed $9,999.99 during any 24-hour period;
- Bill payments can only be made from your checking account;
- BillPay should not be used for tax payments, court-ordered payments or payments to payees outside of the United States;
- If you close the designated bill payment checking account, all scheduled payments will be stopped;
- You cannot cancel a payment if the payment has already been processed; and
- You can schedule payments 24 hours a day, seven (7) days a week, however, payments scheduled on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday will be processed within one (1) to two (2) business days.
Methods and Restrictions
You can locate the payment method of a particular payment by clicking the “Edit Payment” icon in the “Scheduled payments” section or the “View Payment” icon in the “Recently processed payments” section. The payment method is indicated by “Electronic” or “Check” in the “Type” field.
It is important that you take into consideration what method of payment will be used when scheduling bill payments to ensure payment deadlines are met. If the payee accepts electronic payments, the payment will be sent within two (2) business days. If the payee does not accept electronic bill payments, the check payment will be sent via U.S. Mail within four (4) business days.
If a debit to your account for a bill payment is returned to our BillPay provider for insufficient funds (NSF), your BillPay account will be blocked. Our provider may take any of the following actions to resolve the matter: a) resubmit the debit; b) reverse the payment from the payee; or c) stop payment on the check. The action taken will depend on the method and amount of the payment as well as any agreements in place between the payee and our provider. If the debit is not paid after three (3) attempts, your account will go into Collection. If the debit is subsequently paid in full, your BillPay account will be unblocked within three (3) business days. We reserve the right to stop or terminate the BillPay service if excessive debits are returned NSF. Note: Transactions covered by our Bounce Guard program will not be deemed NSF for purposes of this section but will be subject to applicable Bounce Guard fees (refer to For Checking Accounts with Bounce Guard section of the Truth in Savings Disclosure and applicable Fee Schedule).
Your BillPay account may be closed if there has been no activity for a period of ninety (90) days or more.
Cancelling Bill Payments
You can cancel a scheduled payment prior to processing by clicking the “Cancel Payment” icon in the “Scheduled Payments” section. The “Cancel” feature is available up to 6:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time (PST) on the scheduled processing date. You cannot cancel a payment that has already been processed.
Right to Stop Payment for BillPay
You can stop payment on bill payments issued in check form if the check has not been processed by the payee. Here’s how: Call us at 619-297-4835 or write to Member Services at P. O. Box 719099, San Diego, CA 92171-9099. The Stop Payment must be received in such time and manner as to allow us a reasonable opportunity to act upon it.
Electronic payments cannot be stopped once they have been processed. You will need to contact the payee to retrieve payments after the scheduled processing date. For any fees associated with BillPay, please refer to our Fee Schedule.
Member Responsibilities
You are responsible for:
- Any late fees, interest payments, and service fees charged by payee(s);
- Any overdraft, NSF or stop payment fees charged by us as a result of these transactions;
- Data input of payee information (payment amount(s), name, address and any other pertinent information);
- Notifying us in the event you wish to cancel this service; and
- Allowing sufficient time for bill payments to be processed so that the funds can be delivered to the payee on or before the due date.
Additional Disclosures Applicable to Mobile Banking
The Mobile Banking service allows you to access your account information through your smart phone, tablet or other internet-enabled mobile device.
System Requirements
To use the Mobile Banking service, you must have a smart phone, tablet, or other internet-enabled mobile device with a service plan that includes data and Internet access, your Online Banking service username and password, and download the Wheelhouse Credit Union Mobile Banking Application from your device’s application store. Third party fees may apply for data and Internet access. Contact your mobile device carrier for additional information.
To access Mobile Banking, you will be required to enter your password. You may also enroll in Quick Login, which allows you to log in using a PIN or, if supported by your device and our application, using fingerprint or face scanning technology in lieu of your password.
Transactions Available
You may use Mobile Banking to perform the following transactions:
- Check account and loan balances;
- View account and loan history;
- Make loan payments;
- Make one time or recurring transfers between your eligible Wheelhouse accounts;
- Make one time or recurring transfers from your Wheelhouse account to the account of another Wheelhouse member;
- Make one time or recurring transfers from your Wheelhouse account to your account at another financial institution (external account);
- View linked external accounts;
- Make check deposits;
- View cleared check images;
- Make bill payments with BillPay; and
- Send or request money with Zelle (also known as person-to-person or P2P) from your authorized checking account. See Additional Disclosures Applicable to Zelle section for further information and details.
Limitations on Transactions
- No more than six (6) preauthorized, automatic, online or telephonic transfers made to another account at the Credit Union or to a third party or no more than six (6) withdrawals made by check, draft, check card or similar order payable to a third party may be made from each Money Market Account or Inspired Savings Account in any calendar month. If you exceed, or attempt to exceed, these transfer limits, the excess transfer requests may be refused or reversed, a fee may be imposed on the excess transfer requests, and we may reclassify or close the account. Transfers initiated by telephone must be counted among the six (6) monthly transfers, except that there are no limits on the number of withdrawals paid directly to you when initiated by mail, telephone or messenger. There are no limits on the number of withdrawals if initiated in person.
Additional Disclosures Applicable to Mobile Deposit
Mobile Deposit is a service that allows you to deposit a check into your Credit Union account from anywhere with cellular data connectivity by mobile device or the Wheelhouse Credit Union Mobile Application to take and send an Electronic Image of the item. It eliminates the need to deliver the paper item to the Credit Union.
System Requirements
To use Mobile Deposit, you must have a mobile device with an enabled camera and internet access. You must install the Credit Union’s Mobile Application from the device’s application store. Mobile Deposit is available to members in good standing with an eligible account. Accounts owned by minors are not eligible. To use the Mobile Deposit service, your operating system must be either iOS 14.0 newer or Android 9.0 or newer.
Requirements for Electronic Images
Prior to creating an Electronic Image of a check, you must endorse with the words “For Mobile Deposit to Wheelhouse CU” and your signature endorsement to the back of the check, or as otherwise instructed by the Credit Union.
An “Electronic Image” must contain: (i) a complete, legible and accurate image of the front of the check showing the name of the drawer/payor, signature(s), the paying bank’s pre-printed information, MICR encoded information, the name of the payee and the payment amount information; and (ii) a complete, legible and accurate image of the back of the check showing your signature endorsement.
RESTRICTIVE ENDORESEMENT REQUIRED: Your check must bear the following restrictive endorsement: “For Mobile Deposit to Wheelhouse CU.” The Credit Union reserves the right to refuse to accept any check for deposit through the Mobile Deposit service that does not bear the above restrictive endorsement.
Deposit Limitations
The maximum daily deposit limit is $5,000. The maximum aggregate 7-day deposit limit is $10,000. The maximum aggregate monthly deposit limit is $20,000. We reserve the right to modify this limit from time to time.
The following check items are not accepted for deposit through the Mobile Deposit service:
- Items that do not contain the above-described restrictive endorsement.
- Items displaying a “non-negotiable” or “void” notation or watermark.
- Items containing evidence of alteration to any information on the check or other indicators that call into question either the authenticity of the item or your authority to negotiate it.
- Items dated more than six (6) months prior to the date of deposit.
- Items previously converted to a substitute check or items that are remotely created checks as defined by Federal Reserve Board Regulation CC.
- Items issued by or through a financial institution in a foreign country.
- Items not payable in United States currency.
- Items with incomplete or illegible information.
- Items that are money orders, traveler’s checks or savings bonds.
- Items made payable to a third party (i.e., any person or entity other than you).
- Items that have been previously deposited.
- Items drawn on the same account they are being deposited to.
- Items that are in violation of any federal or state law, rule, or regulation.
- Checks or items prohibited by the Credit Union’s current procedures relating to the Mobile Deposit service or are otherwise not acceptable under the terms of your Credit Union account.
- Items with any endorsement on the back other than what is specified in this Agreement.
You agree to follow any and all other procedures and instructions for use of the Mobile Deposit service as the Credit Union may establish from time to time.
Processing Electronic Images
We will review each Electronic Image received to determine whether it is eligible for processing. If eligible, we will: (a) present the Electronic Image directly or indirectly to the bank on which the original check is drawn or through which the original check is payable (Paying Bank); (b) create a substitute check that we will present directly or indirectly to the Paying Bank; or (c) if we are the Paying Bank, present or post the Electronic Image. If we determine for any reason that the Electronic Image is illegible, incomplete, or otherwise ineligible for processing, we will require you to present the original item for deposit. It is your responsibility to retain the original item for a reasonable period of time to ensure that it is properly credited to your account. The Credit Union is not responsible for errors in Electronic Images that may prevent or delay the deposit of funds into your account. The Credit Union is not responsible for any image that we do not receive for any reason, including transmission interruptions.
All deposits are subject to later verification by us. We may return or refuse to accept all or any part of a deposit to your Account using the Mobile Deposit service at any time and will not be liable for doing so even if such action causes checks or other debits to your Account to be dishonored and returned. You are solely responsible for paying any overdraft or insufficient funds (NSF) fee charged by the Credit Union or any third party as a result of the Credit Union’s rejection of any item(s), or for any item(s) returned unpaid.
Cut-Off Time and Availability of Funds
Items transmitted using the Mobile Deposit service are not subject to the funds availability requirements of Federal Reserve Board Regulation CC, and therefore longer hold delays may apply to these deposited items. The first $225 of deposits received before 3 p.m. Pacific Time on a business day the Credit Union is open (a “business day” is any day except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays) will be immediately available, and amounts in excess of $225 will be available on the second business day after the day we receive your deposit. The first $225 of deposits received after 3 p.m. Pacific Time on a business day the Credit Union is open or on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays will be immediately available, and amounts in excess of $225 will be available on the third business day after we receive your deposit. Funds that you deposit using the Mobile Deposit service may not be immediately available to you. We will notify you by mail if we further delay the availability of your deposit.
All fees or charges associated with the Mobile Deposit service are disclosed in our Fee Schedule, as amended from time to time. At any time, in our discretion, we may add to or modify disclosed fees, subject to any prior notice requirements under applicable law (see Amendments). Your continued use of the Mobile Deposit service after the change becomes effective shall constitute your agreement to pay the disclosed fee.
Record Retention
It is your responsibility to ensure the safekeeping or destruction of the original item after the item has been transmitted. You should securely store each original check(s) for a period of ninety (90) days after you receive confirmation that your deposit has been accepted. Please note that you are solely responsible for the security and storage of the original checks and you are solely liable for any loss or misappropriation of these checks. Original checks that are no longer stored should be disposed of in a secure manner designed to ensure that they cannot be read or recreated.
Right to Receive Documentation of Transactions
You will receive a monthly account statement reflecting all of your transactions unless there is no activity in a particular month. In any case, you will receive a statement at least quarterly.
Member Warranties and Indemnification
By using the Mobile Deposit service, you represent and warrant all of the following to be true:
- The item transmitted is a complete, accurate and unaltered item payable to you, that it originated as a paper item, and that you are legally entitled to negotiate it.
- The original check has not and will not be: (i) deposited; (ii) endorsed to a third party; or (iii) otherwise negotiated or submitted for payment, after transmitting the digital image through the Mobile Deposit service.
- No other duplicate images of the original check have been made.
- The electronic image of the check, or any substitute check as defined by federal law, will become the representation of the check for all purposes (except funds availability) including return item processing.
- Any files and images transmitted to the Credit Union will not contain any viruses or any other disabling features that may have an adverse impact on the Credit Union’s network, data, or related system.
- You will not attempt to deposit or otherwise negotiate any original check that you have previously presented to us as an Electronic Image through the Mobile Deposit service. You will not attempt to present a duplicate Electronic Image.
You agree to indemnify, defend and hold the Credit Union, its directors, officers, employees, and agents harmless for any losses, liabilities, damages, claims, costs, or expenses (including reasonable fees) arising from its reliance on these representations and warranties, as well as any of the following:
- Any negligent or intentional act or omission by you in the performance of your obligations under this Agreement.
- Calculation or data entry errors made by you.
- Any material breach of this Agreement or violation of any applicable law, statute, or regulation in the performance of your obligations.
- Your failure to securely maintain your hardware, your security credentials, or to securely maintain or dispose of any original check.
This indemnification will be effective regardless of whether the check accepted for deposit by the Credit Union contained a restrictive endorsement.
This section shall survive the termination of the Mobile Deposit service.
How to Notify Us in Case of Errors
If you believe there has been an error with respect to any original check or Electronic Image transmitted to the Credit Union for deposit, call us at 619-297-4835 or write to us at Member Services, P.O. Box 719099, San Diego, CA 92171-9099. You will be asked to produce the original item and may be asked to complete a written statement in support of your claim.
Service and Maintenance
We may periodically audit the Mobile Deposit service and infrastructure. From time to time, the Credit Union may disable the Mobile Deposit service without prior notice for scheduled maintenance and upgrades to the system. In the event the Mobile Deposit service is unavailable, you may deposit the original item in person at a Credit Union branch location during regular business hours, at a Credit Union ATM, or by mailing the item to us at Member Services, P.O. Box 719099, San Diego, CA 92171-9099.
Our Right to Audit
We may periodically audit your individual transactions and use of the Mobile Deposit service to verify your compliance with this Agreement. You agree to cooperate with any such audit and to provide, at your expense, such information or documents as we may reasonably request.
Additional Disclosures Applicable to Zelle
You may use the Zelle service to make person-to-person (P2P) payments using your Wheelhouse authorized CHECKING account. To use the Zelle service, you must be logged in to Mobile Banking.
To make payments with Zelle, you must enter either a registered mobile phone number or email address for the recipient. Recipients will receive either a text message or email notifying them of the payment.
- In order to collect funds, recipients must register with Zelle, use a financial institution account number and routing number to receive payment via ACH, or enter a debit card number.
- Recipients are responsible for entering accurate debit card or account information. Wheelhouse will not be responsible for errors resulting from the recipient providing incorrect information.
Funds for the payment must be available in your account when the transaction is initiated. Overdraft protection and Bounce Guard fees may apply if we approve a transaction for which funds are not available. Please refer to For Checking Accounts with Bounce Guard section of the Truth in Savings Disclosure and applicable Fee Schedule.
Funds will be credited to the recipient immediately for payments received through registered Zelle accounts. Payments received by unregistered recipients may take three (3) to five (5) business days.
If the recipient has not claimed the funds within ten (10) business days, the funds will be returned to your checking account on the 11th day. You can cancel a payment until it is received by the recipient or returned to you by clicking the “Cancel” button within Zelle.
You are responsible for:
- Providing the correct mobile phone number or email address for the recipient; and
- Ensuring sufficient funds are available before initiating a transaction.
Limitations on Transactions
The following are limitations to the use of Zelle:
- The maximum individual transaction limit using Zelle is $500; (b) the maximum daily transaction limit is $1,000.
Additional Terms and Conditions available when you register for Zelle.
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